
The Privacy Request module allows you to communicate with your end-users while you are addressing their privacy requests.

A set of default emails have been created in order to help you use the product right away. Nevertheless, you can configure these emails in order to match your branding assets. Basically, you are able to add your own HTML Template and define the email subject. You can use as well the variables made available to integrate dynamic data or links in your emails.

Create a new template

To create a new template, you need to send a POST request on /marketplace/emails endpoint and specify the provider (type_id), the type of email (email_type) as well as the subject and the HTML of your email template.

By creating a new template, you will replace the one provided by default.


    "type_id": "didomi",
    * Email types available are detailled below.
    * For instance, to verify user identity, 
    * you will be using `request-verify` email
    "email_type": "Email ID",
    "properties": {
        "html": "Your HTML",
        "subject": "Your subject"

💡 Note that we are only referring to a didomi provider in this section. You can also use your own provider. The workflow will be noticeably the same with your own provider, nevertheless further configuration will be required. To fetch provider configuration schemas, send a GET request on /marketplace/emails/properties-schema.


Configure recipient email address (reply-to)

To configure the recipients of an email, you need to configure the reply_to property in properties options. You can add one or several recipient addresses in reply_to property.

reply_to property can be configured for both default template and your own templates.


    "type_id": "didomi",
    "email_type": "Email ID",
    "properties": {
        "reply_to": ["", ""]

Emails available by default

In the Privacy Request Management Platform, emails are sent on request creation or status update. Please find below the list of emails available by default with their dynamic parameters.

Last updated