Adobe Launch/DTM

Events and variables used by Adobe Launch/DTM integration are detailed in this documentation.

This section describe how to control what tags are embedded on your website when using Adobe Launch or DTM for managing tags.

The key idea of the integration is that Didomi pushes GDPR consent information into Adobe as variables of the data layer (_satellite.setVar) and fires events/direct calls (_satellite.track) to indicate when tags that require consent can be loaded. You should then configure Adobe to only fire tags after consent has been collected for each vendor.

On your side, the integration relies on adding rules, events and conditions to all the tags from vendors that do not support the IAB framework to make them fire on a custom event from the data layer. The Didomi SDK will then fire an event with the list of vendors that the user has given consent to, which will ensure that Adobe only loads the tags matching the user consent.

For instance, after a user gives consent to the vendor google, the SDK will push the direct call didomi-consent-changed and the variable didomiVendorsEnabled with the value google,. The tags setup in Adobe can then be fired through a rule on the event didomi-consent-changed.

Make sure that our SDK is setup

Before continuing, please read our section on setting up our SDK to learn how to do the initial setup of your tag. It is particularly important that our tag gets embedded before all the other tags on your page.

Configure the Didomi / Adobe integration

Step 1 - Enable the Adobe integration

Enable the Adobe DTM and Launch integration in the Integrations tab of your consent notice:

Make sure to publish your notice after enabling the integration.

Embedding the Didomi SDK through Adobe

We recommend not embedding the Didomi SDK through Adobe. By being directly on your pages, the Didomi SDK can load faster and also ensures that IAB vendors can detect a CMP on the page as soon as possible.

Embedding the Didomi SDK through Adobe will result in less consents being passed to vendors and a lower consent rate from their perspective.

Step 2 - Create rules

You need to create rules that will be used to decide when to load each tag in Adobe DTM or Launch. Vendors that do not require consent need not be updated. IAB vendors do not need to be conditioned either as they will automatically collect the consent status from Didomi through the IAB TCF API.

For every vendor tag that you need to condition on the user consent status, create or update a rule with the following configuration:


Configure an event of type Direct Call with identifier didomi-ready:

With this event configured, your tag will be fired when the page loads AND consent has been given on a previous page. If you also want the tag to fire when consent is given on the current page, also add an event with identifier didomi-consent-changed:

You should end up with one or two events configured:


Add a condition to your rule so that it only triggers if consent has been given to the vendor. The condition should be created on the didomiVendorsEnabled data element (noted as %didomiVendorsEnabled%) to validate that it contains the ID of the vendor that the tags belongs to.

See Variables / Vendors for more information on didomiVendorsEnabled and other variables available to condition your tags.

If you have your own custom events that you use as triggers for tags and also want to add an additional condition on the consent status of the user, check this page for more details.

Last updated