
2.9.0 (July 15, 2024)


  • Implement new Storage Disclosure button (from Purposes screen) and screen.

2.8.0 (June 21, 2024)


  • Add support for new regulations: dpdpa, fdbr, idpl, mcdpa, nhpa, njdpa, ocpa and tdpsa.

  • Set a minimum frequency for user synchronization process.

  • Only rely on configuration obtained from Didomi to determine the user regulation.

From this version, local configuration fields gdprAppliesGlobally and gdprAppliesWhenUnknown are ignored. To adapt notice behavior to user country, it is now mandatory to use remote configuration. See here for more information.

  • Mark obsolete methods as Deprecated:

    • isConsentRequired

    • isUserConsentStatusPartial

    • isUserLegitimateInterestStatusPartial

    • getUserStatus

    See the complete list of currently deprecated methods here.

  • Support for IABTCF_EnabledAdvertiserConsentMode for Google Consent Mode, through the configuration flag integrations.vendors.gcm.enableTCFAdvertiserConsentMode. See the related documentation for more information.


  • Prevent SDK translations to be removed from compiled app when shrinkMode option is set to strict.

  • On Android TV, bulk action buttons state was not consistent after scrolling.

  • IAB purposes 1 or 2 could incorrectly appear in notice and consent string when using vendors with Special Features.

  • Make sure a fallback is provided in case a translation is missing for an IAB element.

  • Prevent thread safety issues when SDK listens to connectivity status.

2.7.0 (June 6, 2024)


  • Update logic around setting the vendors' status based on purposes' status.


  • Modify package name of IAB TCF encoder/decoder fork from com.iabtcf.* to io.didomi.iabtcf.* to prevent duplicate classes issue.

2.6.1 (May 30, 2024)


  • Prevent external link icon to be stretched depending on the font size.

  • Increase the margin between title and toggle from the Sensitive Personal Information item.

  • Make the Sensitive Personal Information section title bold.

2.6.0 (May 10, 2024)


  • Display an icon indicating when a link targets a page outside of the application.

  • Add field isIAB in Vendor object to indicate if vendor is from the IAB Global Vendor List.


  • Do not obfuscate parameters class of setUser(...) method.

2.5.1 (April 26, 2024)


  • Add new parameters to DidomiInitializeParameters to override the user location determined by the SDK when getting the notice configuration:

    • countryCode: Force the user country used to get the notice configuration.

    • regionCode : Force the user region used to get the notice configuration.

  • Add support for new SyncReady event. See the event documentation for more information.

  • Deprecate SyncDone event.

2.5.0 (April 26, 2024)

This version has obfuscation issues and should not be used.

2.4.0 (April 10, 2024)


  • Make sure that vendors removed from the GVL are not present in the notice or in the IAB Consent String when the IAB TCF framework is enabled.

  • Increase contrast for secondary texts to improve readability.


  • Add a proguard rule regarding kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize to avoid issues in some projects configurations.

2.3.1 (March 28, 2024)


  • Vendors status updates were ignored when using openCurrentUserStatusTransaction method.

2.3.0 (March 27, 2024)


  • Deprecate CCPA regulation.

  • Set values for IABTCF_CmpSdkID, IABTCF_CmpSdkVersion, IABTCF_PolicyVersion and IABTCF_gdprApplies even when GDPR does not apply.


  • Rename incorrect openCurrentUserTransaction method to openCurrentUserStatusTransaction.

2.2.0 (March 18, 2024)


  • Create new openCurrentUserStatusTransaction method which returns an instance of CurrentUserStatusTransaction. This class can be used to asynchronously enable and disable specific vendors and purposes. For more information, see the documentation.

  • Display Purpose Categories for Android TV.

  • Update dependencies:

    • from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3

    • org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 from 1.7.3 to 1.8.0

    • Dagger dependencies from 2.50 to 2.51


  • Stop exposing GSON library as a transitive dependency.

  • Stop Exposing IAB TCF Decoder library as a transitive dependency.

  • Update the getCurrentUserStatus method so it marks as enabled those purposes that are enabled by default on the UI when the regulation applied is opt-out or mixed (e.g.: CPRA) and the user hasn’t expressed any choices yet.

2.1.0 (March 6, 2024)


  • Create new addVendorStatusListener and removeVendorStatusListener methods to observe changes in the status of individual Vendors (For more information, see the documentation).


  • Sort Device Storage Disclosure list by identifier and type in order to prevent random order from the Vendor details screen.

  • Align the Privacy Policy link to the left of the Vendor details screen.

2.0.1 (February 23, 2024)


  • Make sure public inner classes Vendor.Namespaces and Vendor.Url are not obfuscated in the released SDK.

  • Prevent unwanted line breaks in the notice text when using Bold font and Justified alignment.

2.0.0 (February 15, 2024)

Major update of the SDK

This release will contain some breaking changes, described below.

Migration steps:

  1. Update Didomi SDK to version 1.90.0 if it is not already the case.

  2. Replace any deprecated usages that might appear with the alternatives suggested by Android Studio (lint). If Android Studio does not suggest any updates, it means no deprecated methods are being used.

  3. Update Didomi SDK to version 2.0.0.

The Purpose class returned by getPurpose and getRequiredPurposes, and the Vendor class returned by getVendor and getRequiredVendors were modified. If you encounter an issue with these changes (such as a removed field), please reach out to

Important notes:

  • is now the ID provided by Didomi, without prefix

  • Purpose.description is deprecated and should be replaced by Purpose.descriptionText


  • Set the minimum supported API version (minSdk) to 19.

  • Remove deprecated functions listed below:

    Deprecated as of v1.31.0

    • setUserConsentStatus

    • setUserConsentStatusFromObjects

    setUserStatus or setCurrentUserStatus should be used instead.

    Deprecated as of v1.42.0

    • (get)disabledPurposeIds

    • (get)disabledPurposes

    • (get)disabledVendorIds

    • (get)disabledVendors

    • (get)enabledPurposeIds

    • (get)enabledPurposes

    • (get)enabledVendorIds

    • (get)enabledVendors

    (get)userStatus or (get)currentUserStatus should be used instead.

    • initialize (without DidomiInitializeParameters)

    Deprecated as of v1.43.0

    • setUser (with authentication parameters instead of UserAuthParams)

    Deprecated as of v1.43.1

    • getUserConsentStatusForPurpose

    • getUserConsentStatusForVendor

    • getUserConsentStatusForVendorAndRequiredPurposes

    • getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForPurpose

    • getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForVendor

    • getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForVendorAndRequiredPurposes

    • getUserStatusForVendor

    (get)userStatus or (get)currentUserStatus should be used instead.

    Deprecated as of v1.45.0

    • setUserStatus (with sendAPIEvent parameter)

    • setUserStatusFromObjects

    setUserStatus or setCurrentUserStatus should be used instead.

  • Update dependencies ( from 2.9.1 to 2.10.1 and androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2).

  • Update Didomi brand logo for AndroidTV notices.

  • Update showPreferences parameter for Sensitive Personal Information screen (see showPreferences) and prevent displaying this screen if there is no such purpose to display.

  • Modified Purpose class returned by methods getPurpose and getRequiredPurposes. See details below:

    • id (String) the Purpose ID.

    • name (String) the Purpose name.

    • descriptionText (String) the Purpose description. This property replaces the previous description property.

    • Removed properties:

      • iabId (String?)

      • descriptionLegal (String?)

      • illustrations (List<String>?)

      • isConsent (Boolean)

      • isEssential (Boolean)

      • isLegitimateInterest (Boolean)

      • isSpecialFeature (Boolean)

      • type (String?)

      • iabConsentRequired (Boolean)

      • iabLiRequired (Boolean)

      • category (PurposeCategory?)

      • isConsentNotEssential() (Boolean)

      • isLegitimateInterestNotEssential() (Boolean)

      • isLegitimateInterestOnly() (Boolean)

  • Modified Vendor class returned by methods getVendor and getRequiredVendors. See details below:

    • id (String) the Vendor ID provided by Didomi without any prefix.

    • name (String) the Vendor name.

    • namespaces (Namespaces?) the Namespaces of the vendor (IAB, num) and their corresponding ids.

    • policyUrl (String) the privacy policy URL (replace privacyPolicyUrl).

    • purposeIds (List<String>) the Purpose list with legal basis "consent".

    • legIntPurposeIds (List<String>) the Purpose list with legal basis "legitimate interest".

    • featureIds (List<String>) the ID list that represent features.

    • flexiblePurposeIds (List<String>) the ID list that represent flexible purposes.

    • specialFeatureIds (List<String>) the ID list that represent Special Features.

    • specialPurposeIds (List<String>) the ID list that represent Special Purposes.

    • urls (List<Url>?) the localized Privacy policy and LI disclaimer urls introduced in TCF v2.2.

    • Removed properties:

      • namespace (String)

      • iabId (String?)

      • cookieMaxAgeSeconds (Long?)

      • usesNonCookieAccess (Boolean)

      • deviceStorageDisclosureUrl (String?)

      • dataDeclaration (Set<String>)

      • dataRetention (DataRetention?)

      • didomiId (String?)

      • isIABVendor (Boolean)

      • isIabVendor (Boolean)

      • essentialPurposeIds (List<String>)

      • deviceStorageDisclosures (DeviceStorageDisclosures?)

      • isDeviceStorageDisclosureComplete (Boolean)

      • hasLegIntClaim (Boolean)


  • Ensure that the focus cannot go back to the SELECT title from AndroidTV notice for APIs 27 and below.

  • Stop filtering vendors if they don't have any purposes but data declaration.

1.90.0 (February 8, 2024)


  • Hide Sensitive Personal Information button from the Notice and Preferences screens if there is no such purpose to display.

  • Ensure that regulation NONE will behave as expected (no consent required, notice and preferences screens can't be displayed and all vendors and purposes are enabled).

1.89.0 (January 22, 2024)


  • Use default country code then default language when custom translations are missing for selected language.

  • Create new public function setCurrentUserStatus() (See setCurrentUserStatus for more information).

  • Create new public function getCurrentUserStatus() (See getCurrentUserStatus for more information).


  • Fix typo in TCF 2.2 notice for Spanish translation.

1.88.0 (January 11, 2024)


  • Update Didomi brand logo for preferences screens.

  • Create new public function isUserStatusPartial() (See isUserStatusPartial for more information).

  • Create new public function shouldUserStatusBeCollected() (See shouldUserStatusBeCollected for more information).


  • Serbian translation was containing some Latin labels instead of Cyrillic.

  • The consent stored after the first launch of an application could contain some discrepancies.

  • Wrong padding for the Purpose's Vendor list screen for some devices.

1.87.0 (December 12, 2023)


  • Set TCF version 2.2 as default version (current TCF 2.1 notices will be treated as TCF 2.2 notices).

1.86.3 (December 6, 2023)


  • Temporarily disable internal use of WebView component.

1.86.2 (December 4, 2023)


  • Fix Hebrew and Indonesian translations not displayed correctly on some devices.

  • Fix to ignore purposes and special features coming from Custom Vendors when creating the TCF Consent String.

1.86.1 (November 23, 2023)


  • Setup Notice logo constraints. Maximum height is now set to 150dp.

  • Publisher restrictions now applies to Facebook vendor.

  • Fix Polish translation for Partners count label on Notice screen.

1.86.0 (November 17, 2023)


  • Add support for new language regions: Arabic (Jordan), Dutch (Belgium), English (New Zealand), English (United Kingdom), French (Belgium), French (Canada), German (Austria), German (Switzerland).

  • Handle Regulation field (user.regs) in synchronization requests and API events.

  • Specify "non-IAB partners" instead of just "partners" when presenting count of partners associated to a purpose.

  • Update list of purposes associated to Facebook vendor.

  • Handle notice.enableBulkActionOnPurpose config parameter, to allow to hide the enable / disable all purposes switch on preferences screen.

  • Use Kotlin 1.8.20.

1.85.1 (November 7, 2023)


  • Remove dependencies androidx.javascriptengine:javascriptengine and to prevent compatibility issues.

1.85.0 (November 6, 2023)

This is the minimum required sdk version to fully handle TCF v2.2 notices on Android and Android TV.



  • Support IAB purpose 11 from TCF 2.2 (Use limited data to select content)

  • Remove unwanted dependency

  • Update exported proguard rules for gson as advised in R8 documentation.

1.84.1 (October 20, 2023)


  • Handle translation of TCF v2.2 purposes even when there is no internet connection.

  • Improve performance on vendors screen.

  • Update proguard rules for gson as advised in R8 documentation.

1.84.0 (October 17, 2023)

This version added support for TCF v2.2 notices on AndroidTV. However it does not correctly handle purpose 11 (Use limited data to select content), sdk version 1.85.0 or higher should be used instead.


  • Full TCF v2.2 support for AndroidTV.

  • Change label of "View our partners" notice button to "Manage our partners" .


  • Improve loading time to display the list of vendors associated to a purpose.

  • Incorrect UI layout for purposes illustrations, vendor details and the list of vendors associated to a purpose on tablet.

1.83.1 (October 5, 2023)


  • Revert dependency to version 1.6.1 to allow use of gradle versions < 7.3.3 (required for Unity).

  • Trim names of some IAB vendors containing additional trailing space.

1.83.0 (October 4, 2023)

This version added support for TCF v2.2 notices on Android devices. However it does not correctly handle purpose 11 (Use limited data to select content), sdk version 1.85.0 or higher should be used instead.


  • TCF v2.2 support.

  • Revert the design and label of the partners button displayed on the notice (underlined / "View our partners").

  • Update Target SDK from 31 to 33.

  • Add support for new macros (numberOfPartners, numberOfIABPartners and numberOfNonIABPartners) from the Preferences screens, see the full list here.

  • Remove support of notice.content.viewOurPartners configuration parameter from AndroidTV Notice (the same default label as mobile will be used).


  • Prevent crash from notice when calling the setUser function multiple times.

1.82.0 (September 19, 2023)


  • Better layouts (fonts, margins, etc...) for Additional Data Processing, Purposes and Vendors detail screens.


  • Add missing IAB tag on Vendor detail screen.

  • Prevent duplicated screens when user is clicking multiple times.

  • Manage empty privacy policy url from Custom Vendor detail screen.

1.81.1 (August 17, 2023)


  • Prevent crash if Android System WebView is not available.

1.81.0 (July 18, 2023)


  • Change the "Learn More" link into button.

1.80.0 (July 7, 2023)


  • In notice, modify design of "Manage our partners" and "Learn more" links

  • In vendor details screen, move links to IAB and privacy policy outside of privacy policy disclaimer (improves accessibility)

  • Mark disableDidomiRemoteConfig initialization parameter as deprecated.

Didomi SDK configuration should be done through the console. In the future, local configuration file will no longer be supported.


  • GDPR was not correctly applied for additional countries set in console.

1.79.1 (June 15, 2023)


  • Modify code related to synchronized and try / catch to avoid VerifyError during initialization when using JaCoCo plugin (see error description here)

1.79.0 (June 14, 2023)

This version has build issues in some configurations, it should not be used.

1.78.1 (May 4, 2023)


  • Fix crash with Android < 21.

  • Compute opposite color from 3 digits color code (for Button theme).

  • Prevent blank Sensitive Personal Information button from Preferences (Purposes) if the label is not provided by the configuration.

1.78.0 (April 20, 2023)


  • Display message on Sensitive Personal Information screen when no Personal Data is present.

  • Display IAB TCF tag for IAB Vendors on AndroidTV vendor screens.

1.77.0 (April 3, 2023)


  • Enable CPRA regulation support.

  • Create new Sensitive Personal Information screens.

  • Create new Internal events for Sensitive Personal Information interactions (see Events).

  • Update Additional Data Processing list from Purpose screen in order to improve accessibility.


  • Notice underlined buttons were not underlined on APIs below 26.

  • Fix padding issue for multiline label from Preferences screens Save / Save and close button.

1.76.0 (March 20, 2023)


  • Add a link to privacyPolicyURL on preferences (Purpose) screen when the link is not present in text description.

  • Remove link to privacyPolicyURL in embedded default preferences (Purpose) screen description.


  • Throw exception when clearUser() is called before SDK initialization.

  • Fix conflicting color resources.

1.75.2 (March 8, 2023)


  • Improve accessibility description of Vendor bulk action.

1.75.1 (February 28, 2023)


  • Fix line break from Notice description and Vendor header description.

  • Update proguard consumer rules in order to prevent obfuscation of Didomi classes.

1.75.0 (February 22, 2023)


  • Accessibility improvements in Purposes and Vendors screen.

  • Call onError callback when invalid API key is passed to Didomi.initialize.


  • Prevent duplicated publisher restriction from configuration.

  • Fix accessibility description for Essential Purposes.

1.74.0 (February 8, 2023)


  • Accessibility improvements in

    • Partners button on main notice

    • Purposes screen

    • Purpose details buttons

    • Vendors screen

    • Vendor details buttons

  • New User Information button from the Vendor screen.

1.73.0 (January 25, 2023)


  • Accessibility improvements on the Notice screen.

  • Accessibility improvements on the Purpose screen.

  • Update proguard consumer rules in order to keep class member only for the Didomi package.


  • Add missing subtitle "Select partners" for Vendor screen.

  • Some large title could overlap the close button in Preferences screens (Purpose and Vendor).

  • Some configurations allowed the Purpose screen to be closed even when the parameter preferences.canCloseWhenConsentIsMissing was false.

1.72.1 (December 15, 2022)


  • Rendering issue when preferences screen header text contained html lists.

1.72.0 (December 14, 2022)


1.71.0 (November 17, 2022)


  • Remove TCF v1 support.

  • Supporting url and resource name from logoUrl configuration parameter.

1.70.2 (October 27, 2022)


  • SetupUI was not working properly with specific Android project configurations, throwing an exception.

AndroidJavaException: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method "void androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver.onStart(androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner)"

1.70.1 (October 21, 2022)


  • Fix Toggle colors not changing for older APIs (< 24).

  • Fix Toggle state not updated on click when the view holder is recycled for older APIs (< 27).

1.70.0 (October 19, 2022)


  • Optimize display of Purpose legal description.

  • Update kotlin plugin from 1.5.31 to 1.7.20.

  • Update appcompat library from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2.

  • Update material library from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1.

  • Improve AndroidTV performance.


  • Prevent crash when Application is brought back from background and the Didomi SDK is not initialized from the Application class.

  • Fix device language not correctly handled for Hebrew and Indonesian.

1.69.0 (September 16, 2022)


  • Disable location query from device GPS when the location permissions are granted (we now rely only on our API to get the user location and to provide the matching regulation).


  • Update link to IAB TCF v2 from the vendor detail page.

  • Prevent CCPA "Sell my data" toggle neutral state.

1.68.0 (September 13, 2022)


  • Add support for CCPA regulation

CCPA support is still in beta, please contact if you are interested to participate

1.67.0 (September 8, 2022)


  • Accessibility improvements on the vendors list

  • Improved accessibility on buttons displayed on the notice.


  • Consent asked events was using all required purposes as both consent and legitimate interest.

  • Fix toggle buttons behaviour when using purpose categories

1.66.0 (August 26, 2022)


  • Improve accessibility of close buttons and headings on Preferences screens.


  • Fix missing button padding on some devices for AndroidTV.

  • Fix a lifecycle issue causing not initialized properties errors (e.g. Fatal Exception: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessExceptionlateinit property themeProvider has not been initialized).

1.65.0 (August 8, 2022)


  • Handle device storage disclosure as link (instead of json) from IAB vendor list.

  • Improve accessibility of Preferences screen.


  • Add missing bottom bar for Vendor details page.

  • Fix crash when displaying details of vendor with an incorrect device storage disclosure URL (java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean io.didomi.sdk.models.DeviceStorageDisclosure.isValid()' on a null object reference)

1.64.0 (July 21, 2022)


  • Query purposes for current language in order to always provide up-to-date translations.

updateSelectedLanguage is now asynchronous.


  • Fix layout on additional data processing page.

  • Disable neutral state when controlled value is legitimate interest.

1.63.0 (June 27, 2022)


  • Hide bulk action in purposes and vendors screens when there is only one item in the list.

  • Allow to call reset() method while SDK is not initialized.

1.62.0 (June 10, 2022)



  • Prevent notice text scrolling outside of pop-up window

1.61.1 (May 30, 2022)


  • Fix possible crash when app and notice were restored after staying a very long time in the background.

1.61.0 (May 17, 2022)



  • When notice was displayed to the user but no choice was made yet, the IAB consent string contained an incorrect list of enabled legitimate interest purposes.

  • Vendor device storage disclosure list was not displayed on devices below API 21.

1.60.0 (April 27, 2022)


  • Update design for tablets.

  • Add new languages support (Norwegian, Brazilian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Filipino/Tagalog, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Macedonian, Swahili).

New languages must be enabled from the Console once they are available.

Bug fixes:

  • Remove Purpose and Vendor bulk action when only essential/required purposes are used.

  • Incorrect toggles animation while scrolling

  • Fix issues when legitimate interest purposes are set as essential

  • Fix a crash on Android TV preferences screen when using essential purposes

1.59.1 (April 4, 2022)


  • Migrate Didomi class to Kotlin

  • Improve banner notice layout

  • Add a default background color for secondary buttons


  • Fix dependencies conflict with some libraries, producing the error java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class

1.59.0 (April 4, 2022)

This version can produce crashes and should not be used

1.58.0 (March 18, 2022)


  • Improve accessibility of User Information screen

  • Update ConstraintLayout dependency from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3


  • Prevent glitch during Preferences screen animation for tablets

  • Revert toggle change animation for purposes screen

  • Prevent invisible toggle track for some application themes

1.57.0 (March 11, 2022)


  • Allow multiple initializations of the SDK.

  • Use Support Library for vector drawables (no more bitmaps generated for older APIs).

  • Toggle and Switch components were migrated to Kotlin.


  • Keep white background for the notice on Dark Mode.

  • Remove empty space on the top of the notice with some themes (disable Dialog Title).

1.56.0 (March 4, 2022)


  • Remove unnecessary permission ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.

  • Improve accessibility for purposes and partners screens.

  • Layout optimisation for CTV Vendors detail screens (layout simplification, use selector for components colors).

  • Improve alignment in purposes list with optional icon.

1.55.0 (February 7, 2022)

From this version, the Didomi SDK does no longer require jcenter() in the project repositories list.


  • Vendor model class was migrated to Kotlin

  • Embed a library which was hosted on deprecated JCenter repository, so JCenter is no longer required for building app


  • Added the didomi_ prefix before all Didomi SDK resource ids (layouts, drawables, colors, dimensions...) to prevent conflicts with app or other libraries resources

  • Fix possible crash related to application lifecycle (lateinit property model has not been initialized)

1.54.0 (January 2022)


Bug fixes:

  • The user consent update date was not correctly updated

  • syncDone event was not called if last synchronization was still recent

1.53.0 (January 2022)


  • Improve accessibility for the notice and purposes screens

  • Migrate Didomi event classes to Kotlin

Bug fixes:

  • Code javadoc was not published with the release

1.52.0 (December 2021)


  • Optimize focus management on Android TV

Bug fixes:

  • Apply “save”, “agree to all”, “disagree to all” to Vendors on Android TV preferences screen

  • Saving Consent without any action will keep the current state of Vendors and Purposes on Android TV

  • Fix Notice and Preferences layouts to prevent cropped text on Android TV

  • Update displayed user status when reopening preferences screen on Android TV

1.51.2 (December 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Keep package name for obfuscated classes in order to prevent conflicts with other obfuscated libraries.

1.51.1 (December 2021)

This release may cause conflicts with other obfuscated libraries. Please update to 15.1.2.

Bug fixes:

  • Add missing @Keep annotation and avoid obfuscation of some parameters name that are exposed to host app.

1.51.0 (December 2021)

This release may cause conflicts with other obfuscated libraries. Please update to 15.1.2.


  • Update fallback data for IAB TCF global vendors list.

  • Use @Keep annotation for obfuscation (no need for proguard rules anymore).

  • Layouts optimization for performance.

1.50.0 (November 2021)


  • Implement showPreferences / hidePreferences events when the preferences screen is opened and closed.

Bug fixes:

  • Allow to modify the save button label in the vendors view through property.

  • Convert bitmap resources to vectorized resources.

  • The common screen header had a few wrong margins.

1.49.0 (November 2021)


  • Added Legitimate Interest in TCF Consent String by default once the notice has been shown.

Bug fixes:

  • User Info screen was not displaying in fullscreen mode.

  • Avoid random ConcurrentModificationException while synchronizing after several calls to Didomi#setUser

  • The Purposes screen had a few wrong margins.

1.48.0 (October 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Simultaneous API event calls were sometimes skipped.

1.47.1 (October 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Get content from the remote if the cache date is valid but the file is corrupted or missing.

1.47.0 (October 2021)


  • Handle deny option as a cross in notice

Bug fixes:

  • Disabled vendors with only legitimate interest purposes were not present in getUserStatus()

  • Vendors with no associated consent or legitimate interest purposes were not present in getUserStatus()

  • In vendors screen, in some situations, a switch was displayed next to vendors with no associated consent or legitimate interest purposes

1.46.2 (September 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Consent String retrieved by the sdk was not correctly updated after consent changes

1.46.1 (September 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix incorrect serialization of UserStatus object when using Gson library

1.46.0 (September 2021)


  • Add salesforce vendor to global configuration

  • Update dependencies: Kotlin from 1.5.21 to 1.5.30, Gson from 2.8.6 to 2.8.8, Coroutines from 1.4.X to 1.5.2.

Bug fixes:

  • Better focus management on vendors detail page for CTV

1.45.0 (September 2021)


  • Add a parameter to determine if user consent choice was set from Didomi UI or from a call to Didomi.setUserStatus.

  • Handle non-TCF purposes in device storage disclosures.

  • When publisher restrictions applies to all vendors, apply it to non-IAB vendors as well.

Bug fixes:

  • Vendor device storage disclosures were not displayed in some configurations.

1.44.0 (August 2021)


  • Change the default focus on CTV notice according to CNIL guidelines.

1.43.2 (July 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix getUserStatus() method by correcting vendors.globalLegitimateInterest and vendors.globalConsent values.

  • Fix Vendors bulk action for some configurations. The All toggle behavior was not working properly.

  • Update french translation for required.

1.43.1 (July 2021)

This version fixes an issue which prevented generation of the IAB-TCF consent string in some cases

Bug fixes:

1.43.0 (July 2021)


  • Refactor dependency management that which will allow improving the performance of the SDK.

1.42.0 (July 2021)

Important changes for Android TV apps:

  • By default, the sdk is now disabled when running on Android TV. To enable it, you have to use the new initialize method with DidomiInitializeParameters , and set androidTvEnabled to true(see reference)

  • To use a specific notice configuration, you must set the parameter tvNoticeId instead of noticeId.


  • Add a getUserStatus method, replacing the previous methods to get user consent status. See the reference for more information.

  • Add a new initialization method with a DidomiInitializeParameters parameters object. This is the recommended way to initialize the sdk, the previous methods are now deprecated. See the reference for more information.

  • Disable Android TV SDK by default, and add androidTvEnabled parameter to enable it. If you need to use the Android TV SDK, please reach out to your dedicated customer success manager.

  • Add tvNoticeId parameter for Android TV SDK specific notice id.

  • Ensure configuration is only loaded from Didomi on Android TV SDK.

  • Add getDeviceType method to check the device determined by the SDK (see reference)

  • Update androidx.appcompat dependency: 1.3.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Android TV preferences screen closing unexpectedly when switching from partners tab

  • Fix material shadow under preferences screens buttons

1.41.3 (June 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • getRequiredVendorIds method was only returning vendors with consent-based data processing instead of all the required vendors

  • When reopening the preferences screen after setting user consent status programmatically (setUserAgreeToAll / setUserDisagreeToAll / setUserStatus methods), the displayed consent state was not correct

1.41.2 (June 2021)


  • Removed separate internal vendors implementations, and turned Vendor interface into a class instead

  • Prepare support for displaying device storage information for custom vendors

Bug fixes:

  • Fix hidePreferences command when main preferences screen is not displayed

  • Use density-independent pixels (dp) instead of raw pixels for theme buttons border and corner radius sizes. In order to preserve existing configurations, this fix is under a feature flag: set sizesInDp to true to use it (see Customize the theme & UI for more information)

  • Fix material shadow under notice "Agree" button

1.41.1 (May 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Manage languages with specific script code from device

  • Handle vendor with no consent or LI in getUserStatusForVendor

1.41.0 (May 2021)


1.40.2 (May 2021)

Bug fixes:

  • Prevent incorrect buttons colors when using a non-Bridge Theme.MaterialComponents.* app theme

1.40.1 (May 2021)


  • Improved header's layout and made bulk action sticky on the Vendors view

Bug fixes:

  • Remove Lifecycle Observer after onResume was reached in setupUI

1.40.0 (April 2021)


  • Allow to use Didomi SDK with simple FragmentActivity instead of AppCompatActivity

  • Improve internal handling of Didomi fragments

  • Remove internal use of some deprecated Android Framework features

  • Added support for app.deploymentId.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a glitch of the "Agree to all" button in preferences screen

1.39.0 (April 2021)

We now use AndroidX instead of the support library. This means that your project must enable AndroidX to use this version.

Please note that this release replaces the Advertising ID provided by Google Ads Services for a random custom identifier.

Features :

  • Allow users to see and copy their information (Consent Token and User Id)

  • Remove ADID usage

  • Use AndroidX (allowing you to disable jetifier in your project)

1.38.1 (April 2021)


  • Support for denied consent duration (app.deniedConsentDuration)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix possible crash when using some colors in configuration

  • Choice buttons incorrectly displayed in essential purposes details screen

  • Handle essentials purposes associated to vendor's legitimate interests

1.37.0 (March 2021)


  • Support for Categories

  • Change notice buttons order

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Vendors with essential purposes that are disabled even when the user accepts all

1.36.0 (March 2021)


  • Support for Android TV

Bug fixes:

  • Do not raise Exception when calling Didomi.updateSelectedLanguage with an unavailable language code

  • Fix custom purpose translations issues when language is not the default

1.35.1 (March 2021)


  • Updated behaviour of setUserDisagreeToAll to be consistent with other platforms.

  • Added support for the denyAppliesToLI feature in notice and preferences screen.

  • Check if SDK is ready before using features Didomi.updateSelectedLanguage, Didomi.getText, Didomi.getTranslatedText.

  • Sync user choices for cross-device. (This feature is currently in private beta. Please reach out to our Support team if you want to use it)

Bugs fixes:

  • Rename conflicting state and enabled attributes.

  • Fix custom essential purposes not displayed after language change.

  • Modify SDK initialization logs from info to verbose.

  • Prevent crash if the TCF Consent String is not present when syncing user choices with the Didomi API.

1.34.0 (March 2021)

The Android Didomi SDK is now distributed through mavenCentral instead of deprecated JCenter. Make sure to update your build scripts: Setup


  • Support for consent maximum duration (app.consentDuration , default is 12 months / 31,622,400 seconds)

  • Distribute SDK through mavenCentral


  • Fix an issue with some API events sample rate

  • Prevent SDK from removing Camera permission

  • Fix possible crash in vendor details screen

1.33.0 (February 2021)


  • Added support to include Publisher Country Code into Consent String

Bug fixes:

  • Fix vendor details screen behavior on scroll

1.32.0 (February 2021)


  • Added ability to display "Continue without agreeing" link on the notice (notice.denyAsLink = true).

1.31.0 (January 2021)

Features :

  • Show a Disagree button on consent notice by setting notice.type = "optin"

  • Use primary button style for the disagree button by setting notice.denyAsPrimary = true

  • Evolution of UI design

  • Add new method setUserStatus(purposesConsentStatus, purposesLIStatus, vendorsConsentStatus, vendorsLIStatus) to set status globally

  • Deprecate old method setUserConsentStatus(enabledPurposeIds, disabledPurposeIds, enabledLegitimatePurposeIds, disabledLegitimatePurposeIds, enabledVendorIds, disabledVendorIds, enabledLegIntVendorIds, disabledLegIntVendorIds) and replace it with a new method setUserStatus with the same signature

Bug fixes :

  • Fix consent notice pop-up width too small on some devices

1.30.0 (January 2021)

Features :

  • Indicate platform and SDK version when downloading notice configuration

  • Added support for TCF v2.1

1.29.1 (January 2021)

Bug fixes :

  • Fallback to English resources if requested locale was stripped by app bundles

  • Fix incorrect or missing Google vendor after language change

  • Prevent a crash when requesting notice display directly

1.29.0 (December 2020)

Features :

  • Device storage usage information in the detailed view for each vendor

  • Update texts provided by IAB

1.28.0 (December 2020)

Please note that this release includes the ability to download the GVL (Global Vendor List) file. If you don't want the SDK initialization to wait for this step, set the app.vendors.iab.requireUpdatedGVL flag to false as explained here :

Features :

  • Essential/Required purposes section in the detailed view for each vendor

  • Download the GVL (Global Vendor List)

1.27.0 (November 2020)

Features :

  • Send TCF and Additional Consent information in API events

  • Optimize publisher restrictions encoding in Consent String

  • Modify additional data processing links color in purposes screen

Bug fixes :

  • Fix daysBeforeShowingAgain parameter preventing consents recollection unexpectedly

1.26.2 (November 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Fix pageview API event sent when app is still in background

  • Update embedded proguard rules

1.26.1 (October 2020)

Features :

  • GVL update

  • Detailed additional data processing information

  • Remove TCFv1 storage keys when TCFv2 is enabled

Bug fixes :

  • Ensure that the legitimate interest status is correctly passed to Webviews in getJavaScriptForWebView

1.25.0 (October 2020)

Features :

  • Support for publisher restrictions

  • Improve SDK initialization time

  • Update notice default texts

  • Allow disabling TCF from config

  • Export javadoc

Bug fixes :

  • Dynamic buttons size in Preferences screen

  • Potential crash in purpose details screen

1.24.2 (September 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • After modifying purposes consent manually, it was not possible to save if a purpose was only available under legitimate interest.

1.24.0 (September 2020)

Features :

  • Support for user.ignoreConsentBefore parameter in config file, to force recollecting consent after a certain date

  • Added status accessors in Didomi class : getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForVendor, getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForPurpose, getUserLegitimateInterestStatusForVendorAndRequiredPurposes, getUserStatusForVendor

1.23.0 (September 2020)

Features :

  • Support for organization user ID: Didomi#setUser()

  • TCF v2: Do not display toggle for vendors with no consent or legitimate interest purpose

  • Do not display vendors with no associated purpose

Bug fixes :

  • Fix callback events PreferencesClickPurposeAgreeEvent, PreferencesClickPurposeDisagreeEvent, PreferencesClickVendorAgreeEvent, PreferencesClickVendorDisagreeEvent triggered several times when modifying purpose or vendor choices

  • Increase notice pop-up width

  • Do not display notice pop-up "Learn more" and "Accept" buttons on the same line if there is not enough space

  • Fix notice bottom banner "Accept" button not displayed correctly

1.22.2 (September 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Prevent ConcurrentModificationException occurring from time to time when adding an EventListener

1.22.1 (September 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Impossible to modify consent choices in Preferences screen when essential purposes are defined

1.22.0 (August 2020)


  • Updated IAB vendors list to 52.

1.21.1 (August 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Fix consent string and other properties not stored in Shared Preferences on devices running an Android version lower than 7.0

1.21.0 (August 2020)

Features :

  • Added support for Google as a TCF vendor

Bug fixes :

  • Fixed alignment of the banner notice buttons

1.20.3 (August 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Incorrect display of the notice buttons when texts are too long

  • Preferences screen validation buttons enabled too soon

  • Preferences screen "close" button displayed despite config parameters

1.20.2 (August 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • Fix value for SharedPreference "IABTCF_PolicyVersion"

1.20.1 (July 2020)

Bug fixes :

  • getUserConsentStatusForVendorAndRequiredPurposes was not returning the right status for google and other custom vendors.

  • Add missing purposes for custom vendors

1.20.0 (July 2020)


  • Additional data processing in Preferences

1.19.2 (July 2020)

Features :

  • Link to open vendors page from notice

Bug fixes :

  • Fix crash when using latest versions of play-services-ads

  • Prevent memory leak in onReady / onError functions

1.19.1 (July 2020)

Features :

  • "IAB TCF" tag on vendors list

Bug fixes :

  • Export Proguard rules with library

  • Consents were not sent in TCF v1 for vendors with only legitimate interest purposes

1.19.0 (July 2020)


  • Notice configuration by ID

1.18.0 (July 2020)


  • IAB TCF v2 initial support

1.17.1 (July 2020)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix interface issue at build time with RMSwitch dependency

1.17.0 (June 2020)


  • Pass consent to Webviews or Chrome Custom Tabs via query-string

1.16.0 (June 2020)


  • Do not pre-check vendors in Preferences

1.15.0 (June 2020)


  • Allow setting the log level through setLogLevel

1.14.1 (June 2020)


  • showPreferences has been improved, requiring an AppCompactActivity and allowing to select which view should open (purposes or vendors)

1.13.0 (May 2020)

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure that the SDK is never initialized more than once even if Didomi.getInstance().initialize() is called multiple times.

  • Fixed a crash caused by a race condition that could happen when an activity is destroyed with finishActivity or finishAffinity and setupUI is called before the activity is fully destroyed by Android

1.12.1 (May 2020)


  • Improved compatibility with dark themes.

1.11.0 (March 2020)


  • Updated Global Vendor List to version 192.

1.10.11 (February 2020)

Bug fixes:

  • Better protect Didomi SDK against null Fragment Managers

1.10.10 (February 2020)

Bug fixes:

  • Background was displayed in a dark color on some views when device and app had dark mode enabled which made it difficult to read dark text.

1.10.9 (February 2020)


  • Added Didomi.notice.hide(); to the JavaScript code that gets returned by method getJavaScriptForWebView. This means that the notice view on the web app that's loaded on the native app will be hidden automatically when injecting the JavaScript code returned by this method.

1.10.7 (January 2020)

Bug fixes:

  • The privacy policy link for each vendor on the Vendors view was picking up the color from the app theme which in some cases could result in white text displayed on a white background.

1.10.5 (January 2020)


  • Updated Spanish and Lithuanian translations.

Bug fixes:

  • The Learn more button did not have the right padding.

  • The description texts for each purpose and vendor were picking up the color from the app theme which in some cases could result in white text displayed on a white background.

1.10.1 (Dec 2019)


  • Updated getTranslatedText method to get translated text from multiple sources

  • Created new method updateSelectedLanguage method that allows app developers to change the language of the Didomi SDK.

  • Added the ability to pass a language code when calling the initialize method. This language code will be used to set the selected language.

Bug fixes:

  • The save button in the purposes view was not being enabled property in some cases when the user had previously saved their preferences using an old list of purposes.

1.9.0 (Nov 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • LeakCanary was reporting a memory leak related to Fragment Managers which was potentially caused by a race condition between the Garbage Collector and LeakCanary (potentially a false positive).

1.8.12 (Nov 2019)


  • Updated the way API events are sampled to be based on user ID rather than on a random number.

1.8.11 (Oct 2019)


  • Introduced ui.action type for events sent to the API for tracking the interactions of the user with the consent UI. Actions added: preferences.shownpurposes, preferences.shownvendors, preferences.purposechanged and preferences.vendorchanged.

1.8.10 (Oct 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • When displayed as a banner, the consent notice was hiding in landscape orientation. The user would have to swipe up to bring back the notice.

1.8.9 (Oct 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • When the colorControlHighlight property was being set in the app theme, the purpose switches were taking that color as their background color.

1.8.8 (Oct 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • When the notice was displayed as a banner and the text was long, the bottom buttons wouldn't display on small screens.

1.8.7 (Jul 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Some mapping keys related to the getText and getTranslatedText methods were not matching the JSON properties of the preferences and notice properties.

1.8.6 (Jul 2019)


  • Updated IAB vendors list to 155.

  • Added the ability to provide translatable texts through the texts property in the didomi_config.json file that can be used when creating a custom notice.

1.8.5 (Jul 2019)


  • Added the ability to block/disable the Agree to all and Disable to all buttons by providing the preferences.disableButtonsUntilScroll flag and setting it to true.

1.8.4 (Jul 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • The consent notice was not behaving properly when the device was rotated.

1.8.3 (Jun 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Event HideNoticeEvent was not triggered as required in some cases.

1.8.2 (Jun 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • The Console generates custom purpose IDs within [A-Za-z0-9-_] and SDKs only allowed [a-z0-9-_]

1.8.1 (May 2019)


  • Exposed showPreferences(AppCompatActivity activity) method to allow the display of the Preferences view from an activity other than the one used with the setupUI method.

1.8.0 (May 2019)

Breaking change

This release adds an exception that will be thrown by those public methods that must be called only once the Didomi SDK is ready. The recommended way to handle this exception is by passing a lambda expression to the `onReady` method where the corresponding method is called.


  • Added the DidomiNotReadyException to those methods that should only be called once the Didomi SDK is ready.

1.7.2 (May 2019)


  • Update IAB vendors list (version 146)

1.7.1 (May 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Popup notice was being dismissed when the device back button was pressed.

  • SDK was crashing the app when 1) an SDK fragment (notice, preferences, etc.) was left open and the app was sent to the background for long enough to be killed by the OS and 2) the app was resumed on that fragment.

1.7.0 (May 2019)


1.6.0 (Apr 2019)


  • Add the possibility to get the configuration remotely from the Didomi console

If you are coming from a previous version and want to enable the remote Didomi configuration created from the console, please add false as a new parameter in your initialize function. See documentation.

1.5.0 (Apr 2019)


1.4.4 (Mar 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • java.util.ConcurrentModificationException was thrown when adding event listeners inside the onReady callback.

  • Not availability of Advertising ID was causing issues. Now we use a fallback identifier when Advertising ID is not available.

1.4.3 (Mar 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • There was a race condition when registering SDK events that in some edge cases could potentially crash the app.

  • The SDK was using the current activity on fragments instead of the fragments themselves to retain the view models which in some edge cases could potentially crash the app.

1.4.2 (Feb 2019)


  • Exposing shouldConsentBeCollected method used to allow developers to check if consent should be collected or not.

1.4.1 (Feb 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • App was crashing in some edge cases when user minimised the app right before the consent notice was displayed.

1.4.0 (Jan 2019)


Bug fixes:

  • Text scrolled in the middle on the Preferences pop-in.

  • Preferences pop-in opens twice.

  • Preferences pop-in closed when clicking on back button and the "X" button was disabled.

  • Vendor switch color was not different from the switches on the Purposes view.

1.3.0 (Jan 2019)


  • Supports the 24 European languages

  • Number of days before recollecting consent option in the configuration tag

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some UI issues

1.2.2 (Dec 2018)

Bug fixes:

  • Translate the "View Privacy Policy" link on the vendors list

  • Fixed potential issue around macros and the way they get replaced in the content

1.2.1 (Nov 2018)

Bug fixes:

  • Default texts format used different font size/weight across languages

  • Remove VendorRepository and ApiEventsRepository from the public API

  • Correctly load purposes and vendors statuses in the Preferences popup after consent has been given

  • Show the Save button when the Preferences popup is open after consent has been given

1.2.0 (Nov 2018)


  • Custom purposes

  • Map custom vendor to IAB ID

  • Expose getUserConsentStatusForPurpose and getUserConsentStatusForVendorAndRequiredPurposes in the public API

  • Ability to customize texts in the preferences popup

Bug fixes:

  • Translation issues on purposes and vendors

  • Do not load cached config if remote config URL is null/empty

1.1.0 (Nov 2018)


  • Load app config (didomi_config.json) from a remote URL

  • IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR shared preferences key for the IAB spec to indicate whether the user is subject to GDPR or not

Bug fixes:

  • Expandable info on vendors would not expand

  • Remove the app name from the User-Agent and replace it with "Didomi SDK/[SDK version]"

1.0.0 (Oct 2018)

Initial version.

Last updated