Custom domains for events

This section describes how to configure the Didomi consent notice through its programmatic API and the window.didomiConfig object.

Most configuration options are available through the Didomi Console and this documentation only applies to edge cases or custom implementations that require it.

In the case of some hybrid apps (Electron, Cordova, etc) the value used by the Web SDK is not defined. In terms of analytics data and events, the following problem arises:

  • Your organization has a lot of page views with no consent rate.

A custom domain can be set as part of the didomiConfig object to ensure that some domain is associated with API events for those applications.

You can add a customDomain property to the app object in the configuration property:

window.didomiConfig = {
  app: {
    customDomain: ''

Please ensure to specify a valid domain with the following formats:

  • A valid DNS name


  • A valid iOS bundle ID or Android package ID


Otherwise it will be filtered out and not included in your events data analytics.

This configuration option is also available in the Didomi Console as part of the Custom JSON field in the Behavior tab.

Last updated