Batch import

You can use our regular POST /consent/events to import up to 100 events per request by sending a JSON-encoded array of events instead of a single event in the body of the request.


POST /consents/events?organization_id={organization_id}

        "id": "9556b7f5-ae22-4616-97f9-3f61e22f0ec7",
        "created_at": "2020-06-03T21:28:55Z",
        "user": {
            "organization_user_id": "",
            "metadata": {
            "custom_key": "value"
        "consents": {
            "purposes": [
                    "id": "purpose_id",
                    "enabled": true
        "id": "593aa0a9-5e2e-4305-8e78-9b9e11da0224",
        "created_at": "2020-06-03T21:28:55Z",
        "user": {
            "organization_user_id": "",
            "metadata": {
            "custom_key": "value"
        "consents": {
            "purposes": [
                    "id": "purpose_id",
                    "enabled": false

We recommend adding a unique ID for every event in the id field as that guarantees that events are never imported twice. You can also add a creation date in the created_at field to import events that were collected in the past and keep their original collection date.

The full schema for a consent event is supported. You can read more about creating consent events and their schema in our Guide or our API documentation.

Last updated