Help & Support

Our team is available to help if you have any question regarding the use of our SDKs and their behavior. You can contact us at or send us a message in the Didomi Console.

In the event that we need to investigate a configuration issue or a potential bug, we will need you to provide the following information. Please provide as much as possible as it really helps us answering questions effectively.

Web and AMP SDKs

If you are experiencing issues with your websites and need Didomi to help with your integration, please provide the following information to our Support team:

  1. Issue

    • Platform(s) affected: desktop or mobile web, and browser(s) that are experiencing the issue

    • Description of the issue

    • Steps to reproduce the issue

    • Screenshot or screen capture of the issue

  2. Website (or test page) where the issue is happening. If you are doing internal testing, please provide access to the test page that can be used to replicate the issue.

  3. Consent notice configuration that you are using in the Didomi Console (URL or ID) for that website

Share GTM Preview with the Didomi Team

If you need to share your GTM Preview with the Didomi team for testing or review, please send the URL you will obtain following the process presented below.

  • Login into your Google Tag Manager account

  • Select the GTM container in use on your website

  • Click on the "Preview" button on the top right-hand corner

  • Copy the opening tab URL

  • Add your website URL to the email sent to Didomi team

Mobile SDKs

Sample applications

If you’re looking for guidance on getting started with mobile development with our SDKs, feel free to explore our sample apps repositories:

Using Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.X and JaCoCo

By using our SDK with JaCoCo and AGP 7.2.X or above, your application may crash with java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class io.didomi.sdk.Didomi error log message.

You need to upgrade AGP to the version 7.3.X or above then update your build script to replace isTestCoverageEnabled (deprecated from AGP 7.3.1) with enableUnitTestCoverage.

Do not enable enableAndroidTestCoverage while using our SDK. This is what triggers the crash.

Sharing apps with the Didomi team

If you need to share an app with the Didomi team for testing or review, please send one of the following formats to

  • APK or IPA archives

  • Play Store and App Store for production apps

Didomi uses Browserstack for testing apps and monitoring network traffic so we are not able to provide a specific list of device IDs that we are using for testing.

Information for debugging mobile apps

If you are experiencing issues with your apps and need Didomi to help with your integration, please provide the following information to our Support team:

  1. Issue

    • Platform(s) affected: Android and/or iOS

    • Description of the issue

    • Steps to reproduce the issue

    • Screenshot or screen capture of the issue

    • Any stack trace of the issue involving code from the Didomi SDK

  2. Your application

    • Version of the SDK that you are using

    • Name of the app on the store, if it is available

    • Test version of the app that can be used to reproduce the issue (APK or similar)

    • Consent notice configuration that you are using in the Didomi Console (URL or ID) for that website

    • App ID if you are using the Didomi Console for creating your consent notice. didomi_config.json configuration file otherwise.

  3. SDK setup

    • Snippet of your call to initialize including the surrounding method and class name as shown here (Android / iOS)

    • Snippet of your call(s) to setupUI including the surrounding method(s) and class name(s) (Android / iOS)

    • Snippet of your call to any of the methods of the Didomi SDK including surrounding method and class name

CocoaPods integration issue when using custom Build Configurations

By default, when a new Xcode project is created, two Build Configurations are created by default: Debug and Release. If your project uses custom Build Configurations, you may face the following issue when integrating our XCFramework:

No such module 'Didomi'

In order to fix this issue, your Podfile needs to include the custom Build Configurations:

xcodeproj 'YourProject', 'Custom Debug' => :debug, 'Custom Release' => :release

API Events endpoint contains wrong SDK version

When API Events are sent, the SDK version is added to the endpoint URL. If the version number included in this URL is not the SDK version but your app's version number e.g.: you might need to set manageAppVersionAndBuildNumber to NO through the -exportOptionsPlist xcodebuild option.

Last updated