Manage your templates

To create your own email template, you need to benefit from Integrations V2 Premium feature. Please reach out to our Support team ( to get more information.

Create a template

To create a new email template, send a POST request on /marketplace/emails endpoint and specify following properties:


    "type_id": "didomi",
    * Email types available are detailled above.
    * For instance, to verify user identity,
    * in context of a Privacy request collection 
    * you will be using `request-verify` email
    "email_type": "TEMPLATE_ID",
    "properties": {
        "html": "YOUR_HTML",
        "subject": "EMAIL_SUBJECT",
        "reply_to": ["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]

Important: take care when editing the properties property. This is a JSONB and, by design, you need to fill in every property already added every time you edit this object. If you have added your own HTML and now want to set a reply_to, you need to provide both html and reply_to in order not to erase your previous changes.

💡 Note: this section only refers to didomi providers. You can also use your own provider: the workflow will look the same, however further configuration will be required. To fetch provider configuration schemas, send a GET request on /marketplace/emails/properties-schema.

List all templates

To list email templates, send a GET request on /marketplace/emails endpoint.


        "type_id": "didomi",
        "email_type": "TEMPLATE_ID",
        "properties": {
            "html": "YOUR_HTML",
            "subject": "EMAIL_SUBJECT",
            "reply_to": ["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]

Last updated