
The Links ressource is related to the approval workflow. It allows you to create approval URLs that will help you manage the request submitted by your end-users.

By default, a confirmation email will be sent to your end-user when you create a Request with a status set to unverified. This email contains a Links that will update the request status to verified once it is clicked by the end-user. Note that a new Links will be sent if the lifetime has expired and a new link will be sent by email. However, you can create your own Links to perform status update behind the scene.

To create a Link, you can send a POST request on

Currently, we only support status update and you need to set action to request.update.

The link lifetime is set to 900 seconds (15 min) by default. You can specify the property lifetime to change it.

You need to specify the property redirect_url to redirect your end-user somewhere, on a specific page of your website for instance.

The property event at last should include the new status to apply to the request and the request_id.


    "action": "request.update",
    "event": {
      "status": "verified",
      "request_id": "String"
    "redirect_url": "String",
    "lifetime": 900

Last updated