Deploy a Widget

Deploy a widget

To deploy a widget, send a POST request on /widgets/deployments.


  "widget_id": "WIDGET_ID"

Note that if you have added metadata to a purpose, a preference or a preference_value, they will be available in the remote widget configuration in case you are using our APIs or Headless widgets.

Get all deployments

To list all deployments, send a GET request on /widgets/deployments.


    "id": "String",
    "created_at": "Date",
    "updated_at": "Date",
    "organization_id": "String",
    "widget_id": "String",
    "config": {}
    "deployment_id": "String",

Optional query parameters:

  • $limit: number of max results to return

  • $skip: Number of results to skip

  • $sort: represents sorting options. Accepts date properties to sort (created_at, updated_at) as keys and -1 or 1 for sort direction as value.

    • $sort[created_at]=1 or -1

    • $sort[updated_at]=1 or -1

  • widget_id: To filter deployments by widget ID

Get a deployment

To find a deployment, send a GET request on /widgets/deployments/{id}.


  "id": "String",
  "created_at": "Date",
  "updated_at": "Date",
  "organization_id": "String",
  "widget_id": "String",
  "config": {}            
  "deployment_id": "String",

Get remote widget configuration

A remote widget is a embeddable widget that has been deployed. Although the configuration object is generally used by our SDK to render the widget, you can use the endpoint below to re-build your own widget while relying on Widget engine.

* api_key and widget_id are both accessible in Didomi Console, in the widget edit page.{{api_key}}/containers/{{widget_id}}.json

This way of fetching widget configuration is the most reliable provided by Didomi. Remote widgets configuration is stored in a S3 Standard Bucket which is design for 99.99% availability.

Last updated