PMP widgets, for instance, are able to collect end-users’ consents and preferences thanks to Didomi Consents API. When an end-user saves changes made on a widget, SDK will be sending a POST request to, creating a new consent event in consents table.
You don't have to necessarily use the widgets and you can build your own forms to collect consents and/or preferences from your end-users by using Didomi API.
Follow this documentation to understand how to operate collected data in your website by fetching our Consents API and display relevant sections to your end-users with their choices. A mention will be made at the end of this guide about how to update an end-user consent state from your website.
First, you need to authenticate your back-end in order to receive a token and make requests to the Consents API. You can find more information regarding Private API Keys in our developers documentation.
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function getSessionToken (key, secret) {
const body = JSON.stringify({
type: 'api-key',
key: key,
secret: secret
const credentialsRequest = await fetch('', {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
method: 'post',
return credentialsRequest.json();
const result = await getSessionToken('key', 'secret');
// You can cache the token on your server (result.access_token) to reuse it for future requests
// Don't forget to handle expiration time and token recollection
// The default expiration time is 1 hour
This access_token will grant you access to Didomi APIs and you will be able to create a Consents token on the user’s behalf.
Be careful to never share your key, secret as well as the generated session tokens to anyone.
Generate an end-user token (backend) (2)
Now that we have our organization token, we will use it to generate an end-user token (Consents token) and send it back to our application.
We recommend getting a Didomi token at authentication time and send it back to your frontend so your widget can log your user in and retrieve their consents.
Payload should include:
organization_id can be retrieved in Didomi Console URL (required)
organization_user_id is the unique ID of the end user. It can be an ID, an email address... This is what will allow you to link consent to a user in your DB and needs to be unique. (required)
For a given user, you need to generate a token with a unique ID (organization_user_id). Make sure to generate a Didomi token only from endpoints of your API when the user is already authenticated on your end. Example /me or /users.
lifetime is a token lifetime in seconds (optional)
We recommend setting a lifetime that is equal to potential other tokens you send on the front-end or any sessions. So that the user will log out at the same time from both APIs.
In your authentication controller, send a POST request to /consents/tokens endpoint.
POST<ID of your organization>
"organization_id": "<ID of your organization>",
"organization_user_id": "<Unique User ID>",
"lifetime": 3600,
"metadata": {
"organization_id": "<ID of your organization>",
"organization_user_id": "<User ID>",
"lifetime": 3600,
"metadata": {
"id_token": "..." // End user token (Consents token)
The Didomi API will respond with the created token in the id_token field.
This id_token is what we call a Consents token. This token belongs to one of your users and allows them to change their consent and preferences.
Add the token retrieved to your authentication endpoint response so your frontend can consume it and call the Consents API.
For a given user, you need to retrieve his current consents to purposes available in notices and widgets from PMP.
As a customer of Didomi (Consents API needs to be activated), you can retrieve your user consents and use them to display relevant section on your website for example.
You need to query consent users that belong to your organization (organization_id), and filter by user ID or organization user ID (organization_user_id).
This code snippet shows you how to query user’s consents. You need to pass organization_id and organization_user_id as options.
async function fetchConsents (organizationId, organizationUserId) {
// We assume here that you have a token stored in LocalStorage either with our Authenticate method or your own way
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('didomi_consents_token')
if (!token) {
alert('you need to login first')
const headers = new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'cache': 'no-cache',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
const consentGivenUrl = `${organizationId}&organization_user_id=${organizationUserId}`
const consentGivenRequest = await fetch(consentGivenUrl, { headers })
const consentResponse = await consentGivenRequest.json()
const consents = await fetchConsents('org', 'org_user_id');
Check if consent has been given for a purpose (4)
For a purpose, you want to check if the user has given his consent or not in order to display a section accordingly with his choice.
Purposes are stored in consents object and come in an array.
For each consent, enabled property allows you to know if the user has given his consent to this specific purpose.
true: the end user has given his consent
false: the end-user has not given his consent
null: the end-user has not answered to this purpose
This code snippet shows you how to check if your user has given his consent for a given purpose (purposeId).
// consents option corresponds to consents fetched from GET /consents/users endpoint
// purpose_id option corresponds to the purpose ID for which you need to know if the consent has been given or not.
// isConsentGiven fonction return `true` or `false` and allows you to display a section accordingly with consent of your end-user
async function isConsentGiven (consents, purposeId) {
return consents.purposes.find(purpose => == purposeId).enabled
if (isConsentGiven() === true) {
// Display HTML Block
Check if consent has been fiven for a preference (5)
For a preference, you want to check if the user has selected or not a value in order to display a section accordingly with his choice.
Preference values are stored in values object of a purpose.
For each preference with at least one value selected, you have a:
selectedPreferenceId (as key)
object with values (valueId(s) in a string separated by comas (,) in value property)
This code snippet shows you how to check if your user has selected an option (valueId) of a given preference (preferenceId).
// consents option corresponds to consents fetched from GET /consents/users endpoint
// preferenceId option corresponds to the ID of a selected preference
// valueId option corresponds to the ID of a value for which we want to check if it has been selected or not
// hasValueBeenSelectedForPreference fonction returns a boolean and allows you to display a section accordingly with the preference of your end-user
async function hasValueBeenSelectedForPreference (consents, preferenceId, valueId) {
const { purposes } = consents
const hasValueBeenSelected = purposes.some(purpose => {
const preferenceValue = purpose.values[preferenceId]
if (preferenceValue) {
const valuesSelected = preferenceValue.value.split(',')
return valuesSelected.includes(valueId)
return false
return hasValueBeenSelected
if (hasValueBeenSelectedForPreference(consents, 'preferenceId', 'valueId') === true) {
// Display HTML Block
Update user consent state (6)
For an end-user, you wanto update a set of purposes and preferences from a selection he made from your website or application.
Update end-user consent state from API standpoint (or basically collect data from end-user) means creating a consent event to register the new user choices by calling the POST/consents/events endpoint.
To update state of a purpose, you can set enabled property to true if the user has given his consent and false if has not given his consent.
To update state of a preference, you can add in value property all choices selected by the end-user by filling in the related valueId.
This code snippet shows you how to update your user consent state. To create an consent event, you need to pass the ID of your organization (organizationId), the unique ID of your user (organizationUserId) and new consents (consents).
// consents option corresponds to consents fetched from GET /consents/users endpoint
// selectedPreferenceId1 option corresponds to the ID of a selected preference
// valueId option corresponds to the ID of a value for which we want to check if it has been selected or not
async function updateConsentStatus (organizationId, organizationUserId, consents) {
const body = JSON.stringify({
user: {
organization_user_id: organizationUserId
const createConsentEvent = await fetch(`${organizationId}`, {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
method: 'post',
return createConsentEvent.json();
updateConsentStatusForPurpose('didomi', '', {
purposes: [
id: "purposeId",
enabled: true || false,
values: {
selectedPreferenceId1: {
value: "valueId1,valueId2"
selectedPreferenceId2: {
value: "valueId3,valueId4"