Custom events

Custom events are synthetic events in Javascript that can be dispatched to our SDK.

Use custom events to communicate with Didomi custom elements to wrap your code and handle all logic, analytics and API requests.


To request end-user authentication through the Didomi SDK and send an email to your end-user (via either Magic Link or One-Time Password code) dispatch the didomi:send-authentication custom event. Set the email address provided by the end-user to detail.value.

Note that our Headless widget will use the default authentication provider of your organization. To use a different provider, you can define a provider at widget level.

didomi:send-authentication custom event needs to be dispatched from an element within the didomi-auth-headless custom element.

new CustomEvent("didomi:send-authentication", {
      detail: {
        value: email,
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,


This event needs the previous event to work properly as the send-authentication event will allow email address storage in local storage that is required to verify the code.

If your widget is using a One-Time Password provider, you need to verify the code received by the end-user. To verify the code, dispatch the didomi:verify-otp-code custom event. Set the code provided by the end-user to detail.value.

didomi:verify-otp-code custom event needs to be dispatched from an element within the didomi-auth-headless custom element.

new CustomEvent("didomi:verify-otp-code", {
      detail: {
        value: otpCode,
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,


To set end-user pending consents in your web application state, dispatch the didomi:set-pending-consents custom event.

When setting a purpose, the detail object must contain the purposeId and the corresponding value (true or false). When setting a preference, the detail object must contain the purposeId, preferenceId, and the selected value.

Custom event didomi:set-pending-consents should be dispatched from an element placed within the didomi-pending-consent-receiver wrapper.

new CustomEvent("didomi:set-pending-consents", {
      // If used for Purposes
      detail: {
        value: true/false,
      // If used for Preference values
      detail: {
        value: "asdf,ghjk,bvcx", // list of enabled values as string
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,


To save end-user pending consents using the Didomi SDK, dispatch the didomi:save-pending-consents custom event.

Custom event didomi:save-pending-consentsshould be dispatched from an element placed within the didomi-pending-consent-receiver wrapper.

new CustomEvent("didomi:save-pending-consents", {
      detail: {
            metadata: {} // You can pass some optional metadata
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,


To save end-user consent upon end-user click through our SDK, dispatch the didomi:set-consents custom event.

When saving a purpose, the detail object should include the purposeId and the corresponding value (true or false). When saving a preference, the detail object should include the purposeId, preferenceId, and the selected value.

Custom event didomi:set-consents should be dispatched from an element placed within the didomi-consent-receiver wrapper.

new CustomEvent("didomi:set-pending-consents", {
      // If used for Purposes
      detail: {
        value: true/false,
      // If used for Preference values
      detail: {
        value: "qFkQbPnT,gEhjHDk,sbvLLcx", // list of enabled values as string
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,

Note that the bubbles and composed options must be set to true to allow the event to bubble and trigger listeners outside of a shadow root, respectively.

Last updated